Because of a partnership with the ENSMA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique), the physicsbehaviors of the drone will be so close you can barely see the difference. VelociDrone is available for Windows and Mac and is priced at £19.99.

#Drone games for mac for mac
There are already some excellent flight simulators for Mac but to take things to the next level of realism you need real flight controllers. Apple now offers a program called "Boot Camp" that does allow Macintosh users HELI-X is a professional R/C flight simulator for helicopters, planes and multicopters. Vehicle simulation is a computer video game genre where the control process of various vehicles is transmitted as accurately as possible. The START button, located on the right, will restart your position to the last checkpoint during a race. The SELECT … DJI Flight Simulator is a Windows-based, pilot training program designed for enterprise users.

RealFlight ® is the #1 RC flight simulator in the world! Drone Station allows you to use a variety of commonly available joysticks, gamepads, and controllers to control your drone. Setting up a Simulated Vehicle (SITL)¶ The SITL (Software In The Loop) simulator allows you to create and test DroneKit-Python apps without a real vehicle (and from the comfort of your own developer desktop!). FlightGear Flight Simulator 2020 USB Flight Sim Plane & Helicopter Professional Simulator Including 600+ Aircraft & 20,000 Real World Airports For Apple macOS & Mac OS … Supports a wide range of DJI drones and seamlessly connects with DJI remote controllers.